I think there is no much need to tell you how important are HTML META tags for SEO for your site.
So in order to have a simple touch of perfection, you just have to edit the following META tags:
<meta name="" content="Illumine Consulting - Europe" property="og:title"/> <meta name="" content="website" property="og:type"/> <meta name="" content="technology" property="website:tag"/> <meta name="" content="cloud computing" property="website:tag"/> <meta name="" content="b2b" property="website:tag"/> <meta name="" content="science" property="website:tag"/> <meta name="" content="http://www.illumine.gr" property="og:url"/> <meta name="" content="https://www.linkedin.com/company/illumine-it-consulting?trk=company_logo" property="og:image"/>
<meta name="" content="Illumine IT Consulting - Greece" property="og:site_name"/> <meta name="" content="For more than ten years Illumine IT Consulting " property="og:description"/>
<meta name="" content="1392144595" property="og:updated_time"/> <link href="https://plus.google.com/{+PageId}" rel="publisher" /> <meta name="" content="https://media.licdn.com/media/p/2/005/020/2ca/29e39f7.png"
property="og:image"/> <meta name="robots" content="index, follow" /> <meta name="keywords" content="illumine, IT, technology, consulting, services, software,mountrakis" />
<meta name="generator" content="illumine it consulting" /> <meta name="author" content="michael mountrakis" /> <meta name="copyright" content="Copyright (c) Illumine Consulting. All Rights Reserved." />To do so, go to your WordPress admin panel Then in the left menu select Appearance, Editor and select to edit header.php file. Then add your meta tags just like the following picture illustrates: