Consider that we want to implement in Java a secure communication (Transport Layer Security ) for a system called MySystem.
Entire Source Code of the tutorial here:
The problem
The security scenario for the implementation of MySystem is simple:
Before going further on this study, pay a visit to this site for Java SSL: ssljavaguide.
To implement the scenario, there are three basic steps:
Step 1: Create the Keystore/Trustore
Following steps of this section, results in the creation of a Keystore/Trustore .jks file that contains:
The steps are:
1) Generate RSA 1024 bit private key. The key will be password protected:
openssl genrsa -out mysystem.key 1024 -passin pass:welcome
2) Generate Certificate Request for CA (.csr) using the private key
openssl req -x509 -sha256 -new -subj '/C=GR/ST=Athens/L=Chalandri/CN=mysystem' -key mysystem.key -out mysystem.csr
3) Generate self signed certificate expiry-time 10 years from the certificate request
openssl x509 -sha256 -days 3652 -in mysystem.csr -signkey mysystem.key -out mysystem.crt
4) Import the pair (private key and selfsigned certificate) in a new JKS (Trustore/Keystore together)
First we need to create PKCS12 keystore from private key and self signed certificate.
openssl pkcs12 -export -name mysystem -in mysystem.crt -inkey mysystem.key -out mysystem.p12 -passin pass:welcome -password pass:welcome
Then we need to convert PKCS12 keystore into a JKS keystore
keytool -importkeystore -destkeystore mysystem.jks -srckeystore mysystem.p12 -srcstoretype pkcs12 -alias mysystem -srcstorepass welcome -storepass welcome -noprompt
At this point we have created the Java Keystore/Trustore mysystem.jks file.
Copy mysystem.jks on both client and server machines.
Download all the commands for the Keystore/Trustore .jks file generation here
Entire Source Code of the tutorial here:
The problem
The security scenario for the implementation of MySystem is simple:
- Authentication only between peers that both share the Keystore/Trustore file
- Session establishment only between peers that have the Keystore/Trustore file
Before going further on this study, pay a visit to this site for Java SSL: ssljavaguide.
To implement the scenario, there are three basic steps:
- Create the Java Keystore/Trustore that will be used for Authentication and Encryption of Transport/Session. This will be used from both Client and Server parties. (Current Part)
- Implement the Client side: (See blog article Part-2)
- Implement the Server side: (See blog article Part-3)
Step 1: Create the Keystore/Trustore
Following steps of this section, results in the creation of a Keystore/Trustore .jks file that contains:
- MySystem Private key
- MySystem Selfsigned Certificate
The steps are:
1) Generate RSA 1024 bit private key. The key will be password protected:
openssl genrsa -out mysystem.key 1024 -passin pass:welcome
2) Generate Certificate Request for CA (.csr) using the private key
openssl req -x509 -sha256 -new -subj '/C=GR/ST=Athens/L=Chalandri/CN=mysystem' -key mysystem.key -out mysystem.csr
3) Generate self signed certificate expiry-time 10 years from the certificate request
openssl x509 -sha256 -days 3652 -in mysystem.csr -signkey mysystem.key -out mysystem.crt
4) Import the pair (private key and selfsigned certificate) in a new JKS (Trustore/Keystore together)
First we need to create PKCS12 keystore from private key and self signed certificate.
openssl pkcs12 -export -name mysystem -in mysystem.crt -inkey mysystem.key -out mysystem.p12 -passin pass:welcome -password pass:welcome
Then we need to convert PKCS12 keystore into a JKS keystore
keytool -importkeystore -destkeystore mysystem.jks -srckeystore mysystem.p12 -srcstoretype pkcs12 -alias mysystem -srcstorepass welcome -storepass welcome -noprompt
At this point we have created the Java Keystore/Trustore mysystem.jks file.
Copy mysystem.jks on both client and server machines.
Download all the commands for the Keystore/Trustore .jks file generation here
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